Bathroom – one of the most complex rooms in terms of design. And not even because the humidity is always increasing, Which means the selection of finishing materials is limited. The main problem is the size of the bathroom, which in most cases is very small. As a rule, a standard bathroom area in a standard high-rise apartment does not exceed 4 sq.m like the Apartments for rent in Chattanooga, and an individual bathroom cannot boast this. In such a situation can your bathroom turn into something beautiful and non- Standard? As it turns out, it’s possible! To do this, firstly, be careful to increase the useful area of the bathroom, And secondly, House Bathrooms, select the appropriate finish to visually extend the protection. Make these bathrooms perfect for everyone, A Small Bathroom Design.
Let’s look at this point in more detail with Three different bathroom variant examples.
Design a small bath with a shower:
If you are ready to give a large bath in favor of a compact shower room, this will make the work of some designers easier. Kabinka allows you to save a lot of space, which can only be left free. Remember and can deepen the room visually by glazing glass or mirror doors – this option is often used in the design of Bathrooms in close-up Khrushchev also a more, more budget form – installation of small shower pallets instead of a cabin (probably, corners). This will reduce the cost of your repairs and additionally make the bathroom more detached.
Design a small bathroom without a toilet: If there is a supporting wall between the bathroom and the toilet, it will not be possible to combine the two rooms. But a small bathroom can be beautifully decorated without re-planning, however, in terms of designing an individual bathroom is the most complex case. This bathroom itself is very narrow, and there Should be nothing extra when it is designed. A good example of the design is the original acrylic lit bath or a compact corner washbasin. Such a bathroom washing machine is not well installed – it “steals” from you and that’s without an obsolete area. Think about lighting competitively choosing a small size light will soften your bath more vertically.
A small militia bathroom design
An option to increase the area is plumbing – an excellent solution for a small bathroom area. Choosing a toilet, sink, bidet, look at this convenient model. They are much more compact than the usual free permanent sanitary warehouse and will help save your space. For the snooze razor – a problem place in the attached bathroom – it is sewn into a dry plasterboard box or covered with a high wall cupboard. The second option is more effective because such a cabinet can be filled with all the necessary detergents, but a cabinet under compression is no longer needed, as well as a compressed suspended cabinet. In addition, sewn-in riser repair conditions are very inconvenient, because the cabinet can be moved much easier if necessary. Recommendations for finishing materials for the bathroom are common in each of the three
Cases described
Light decoration from light colors is well visible, ideally, stretch ceilings are used; tile with a tile for the walls, which should flatten the front surface well, is suitable. Tiles design for a small bathroom should be cool, without large patterns; instead of facing the wall, you can paint – opt for these light colors (turquoise, blue, light green, or beige). Moreover, it should always be noted that the bathroom should be in a place where the movement of people is a little less. Which is not usually on the front? The bathroom is bound to be in a very comfortable and pleasant environment if we adopt this principle when installing the bathroom service. Where drainage works will feel very comfortable. There is no reason to doubt it. So of course we must keep this precaution in mind before installing the bathroom. Although the work of the bathroom is natural work. We all go to the bathroom to respond to the call of nature. But as human beings, we all have a hesitant attitude towards it. We humans can never complete bathroom work in the presence of another human being. We are ashamed of it. Beach Style Bathroom. And, of course, do not forget that the paint on the bathroom wall should be resistant to prolonged exposure to moisture the best form for a floor becomes a tile to carry on a diagonal. A Small Bathroom Design.